Laurent Claessens's research page
Mémoire, thèse
My Ph.D. thesis, Université Catholique de Louvain-la-Neuve, septembre 2007 :
Locally anti de Sitter spaces and deformation quantization
Mon mémoire de licence, Université libre de Bruxelles, mai 2003 :
Symétries globales et linéaires en théorie des champs
Quantized anti de Sitter spaces and non-formal deformation quantizations of symplectic symmetric spaces
, in collaboration with Pierre Bieliavsky, Yannick Voglaire and Daniel Sternheimer.
Black holes in symmetric spaces: anti-de Sitter spaces
, in collaboration with Stephane Detournay.
BTZ black hole from the structure of so(2,n)
The horizon of the BTZ black hole
Informal courses
Lecture notes of the mini course
Field theory from a bundle point of view
given at the
Modave Summer School in Mathematical Physics
in 2005.
. This text contains the two others and many other stuff.